Zion is located in a business and residential area at the corner of High Street and Columbus Street. We are on a bus line and can be accessed from any part of the city. There is street parking on High, Columbus, Pearl, Kossuth and Frankfort streets. (see map) Handicapped parking is available behind the church with a wheelchair accessible entrance to the elevator. There are two entrances, one in back of the church and one in front of the church.
Arriving for bible class, take the elevator to the lower level which we call the Fellowship Hall. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and doughnuts are provided for the adults in the kitchen area adjacent to the Fellowship Hall. Adult and children’s classes start at 9:30 A.M.
Zion has two Sunday church services one at 8:00 A.M. and one at 10:30 A.M. in the sanctuary located on the main level. There are five sets of stairways leading to the Sanctuary as well as elevator access. We also have a Wednesday evening service at 7:00 P.M.. The first Wednesday of the month is a Devine service with Holy Communion and the remainder are Compline services followed by Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall.
Private Confession and Absolution are available in Pastor Hromowyk's office on Wednesdays between 6:15 and 6:45 P.M.
Two ushers and at least one Elder are available to guide you to a seat or answer any questions you may have about the service. They will be stationed at the entrance to the Nave (pew area) of the sanctuary and will provide you with a bulletin to help follow the service. Two bulletins are available, one is a condensed version of the service and one a large format which will have the order of service and hymns printed. For someone who is new to our church the large print bulletin might be easier to follow until you get accustomed to the service. There is also a children’s bulletin available.
We encourage families to be at church services and do not provide childcare during services. If you need to distract a child during the service, there is a “cry room” located at the back of the Nave and a Family Room as well, both have speakers so you can still hear the service. There is a changing table in the restroom next to the Family Room.
Communion is available at both church services. If you are not a confirmed member of a LCMS church, please speak with Pastor Hromowyk before taking communion.
If you have any questions, you can contact us directly at the CONTACT US link on this web site.